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International Women’s Day: Six Socially Responsible Bloggers to Follow

International Women's Day blogger

On International Women’s Day, Premjit Mohapatra puts together a list of smart and savvy women bloggers, who are generating content that reflects their personalities, sharing personal stories and adding to the social and political discourse.

On International Women’s Day, Premjit Mohapatra puts together a list of smart and savvy women bloggers, who are generating content that reflects their personalities, sharing personal stories and adding to the social and political discourse; and in doing so helping women shape their identity and role in society.

On International Women’s Day, I have attempted to compile a list of six knowledgeable, creative and inspirational women bloggers that share valuable and insightful advice on anything and everything that’s interesting, relevant, and useful, combining the creative with the inspirational and intellectual. Of course, this is by no means a comprehensive list, just a starting point.

Anupriya Kapur, Mom On The Run


The 30-something Anupriya is a Gurgaon-based avid runner and blogger and writes for her personal blog Mom On The Run. The blogger of many interests is a mother, baker, marathon runner– which includes half marathons, full marathons, and ultra runs on the road and on the trail. Her blog is full of in-depth articles with practical and actionable advice on a range of topics. It is the go-to resource for many wellness, running and fitness enthusiasts.  She also has her perspective on raising children which make it interesting to emulate in life. The blog also has categories dedicated to recipes, fashion, accessories including blogs that are good for the soul and provide women with tips on connecting with themselves. The best part about this blog, aside from the great typography, is the honesty but what sets her apart is her readiness to share – and boldly at that. She takes on topics about body image, sensuality; Kegels exercises for stress incontinence in women, tips on postpartum management and manages to write on them with unwavering grace and sensitivity. It is striking that not too many blog about subjects like whether it is alright for a woman to run when she has her periods or, for that matter, even about how important it is for women to wear the right sports bra. She has no hesitation in treading such a terrain.

Lakshmi Rebecca


Lakshmi, who holds a postgraduate degree in International Marketing from Sheffield Business School, UK and a Diploma from the Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK is a talk show host, filmmaker, and vlogger. She started her website with the aim to inspire, connect, and empower individuals and women in particular. The site is a fusion of her online talk show, podcasts, and her writings and was a first of its kind in India when it started. On her inspiring online talk show ‘The Lakshmi Rebecca Show‘ she brings candid conversations with people from all walks of life, be it regular individuals, entrepreneurs, celebrities and leading women, who are making positive changes for India’s future, as well as challenging taboo topics and ideas concerning women. The first ever episode of ‘The Lakshmi Rebecca Show’, saw a never-before candid conversation between an abled star and a differently-abled heroine speaking about women with disabilities and their sexuality. These are stories of real people and real advice. Her digital presence, both in blogs and vlogs caught the attention of countless online and print media outlets. Her blog apart from being informative and entertaining is conceptual enough to get you thinking and practical enough to get you talking.


Shivya Nath


The 20-something Shivya is an intrepid soul who left the safety of a corporate job to heed the call of traveling around the globe. People are often daunted by the idea of travelling, unsure of how to leave their home behind, even if they want to but Divya pursued her traveling interests and has gone on to become one of the top travel bloggers in India. She blogs at The Shooting Star and her travelogues have appeared in leading Indian & international publications, including National Geographic Traveller, Lonely Planet, and The Times of India. Her penchant for the offbeat destinations has taken her to some of the quaint and lesser known locations. She keeps trekking to some unusual locations in search of adventure and local experiences and keeps dispatching anecdotes and experiences on what was enticing on her journey with the hope that it will inspire the vicarious travel readers to step out of their comfort zone and discover the world in real.

Monica Tiwari


Blogger Monica Tiwari

Monica blogs infrequently, but her posts are meaty with plenty of observations to digest. Her posts are full of down-to-earth musings and thoughts shared via journal entries and poems. It is full of visual delights because her blog began as a way to compile her visual discoveries. She claims her passion is photography and her avocation is blogging and she has combined both to produce some emotionally gripping work. Be it the catastrophic earthquake that struck Nepal in April 2015 or the displacement, migration, the pain of separation from loved ones brought about in Sunderbans brought about by the impact of climate change, her photo blogs tell a compelling and poignant tale in images which is real, raw, relatable and honest. Check out her photo blog too.


Vidya Sury


From writing a daily diary to making her mark as one of the top bloggers in the country it has been an eventful journey for Vidya Sury, who started blogging as a fun experiment in 2003 sharing snippets of personal life, jokes, and thoughts. Today, she writes about almost everything in life as can be discerned from her blog that talks about life, fun, humor, love, trials, errors, relationships, health, tips, resources, technology, experiences, stories, inspiration, life lessons, self-development, and photography. She also runs a medical blog where she writes on medical awareness. In another blog, she shares tips on living with diabetes. Her food blog is where you will find food, stories, conversations, tips, humor, all mixed with a generous dose of love. Vidya is an amazingly inspirational blogger who enjoys sharing smiles and useful information about everything.




The blog tagline reads, “The Cybernag talks about social issues, family and kids” but here you can find posts about children, culture, family, relationships, society, spirituality, women, and feminism among a host of topics that she feels deeply enough to “nag” about in her blog. She tackles topics that sometimes speak to the unique issues that women face, but mostly her insight is invaluable across the board. Through this blog, you can participate in her journey of life and laugh and cry along with her, take a trip down memory lane full of nostalgia and at others you might just be living through the event. Her incisive, hilarious and sometimes tart commentary is drawn from first-hand experiences and is a favorite with many women. “Reading your posts is immensely fulfilling to me. And to interact with you… is priceless!” writes a reader appreciating her posts which attempt to bring in a perspective and sense of proportion to the issues of the day.

About the author

The Goodwill Project

This is the official blog of The Goodwill Shop, which promotes products and services of NGOs, artisans and socially responsible groups. Visit our Facebook page at Write to us at

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