The Burning Truth is a thought provoking novel by 15-year-old Sukkriti Nath. This book is a...
Author - The Goodwill Project
Book Review: It’s Okay to Fail, My Son
It’s Okay to Fail, My Son by Vasant Kallola is a book intended for parents and educators to discuss...
Book extract: Shashi Kapoor and Jennifer Kendal, the love story
As Jennifer’s sister played cupid when their father opposed the match with Shashi Kapoor, his...
Book Extract: Indira Gandhi by Khushwant Singh
I watched Mrs Gandhi’s funeral on TV. I am pretty certain that, had she been alive, she would have...
Book extract: Maulana Azad by Khushwant Singh
When Gandhi (reluctantly), Pandit Nehru and Sardar Patel acquiesced to the partition of the...
Short story: The Vultures of the Parsi Cemetery by Ali Imam Naqvi
It was all so unexpected. They were stunned. They put the stretcher down abruptly, gawked at the...
Book extract: The Matsya Curse by Shweta Taneja
Something fishy is going on at Triya Art Gallery. Anantya heads there, disguised as a nishada, a...
The story centers on Yotsuba Koiwai, an odd, quirky, five-year-old girl and her adventures with her...
Short story: The Lady in White by Ruskin Bond
This lady in white is said to be the revenant of a young woman who was killed in a car accident not...
Ananya Kamboj, an eighth standard student from Chandigarh, has been selected to represent India as...